HIPPIE JUICE® is an all natural, mint based, formula infused with
the fragrance of patchouli and lavender to create a soothing, earthy aroma while offering protection from flying
and biting insects. This product is safe for horses, hounds and humans. Currently in the R&D phase.
Active Ingredient:
Mint Oil (.05%); Inert Ingredient: Water (99.9%); Fragrance (<.05%): Patchouli, Lavender.
DEVELOPMENT! HIPPIE JUICE® Saddle and Body Soap provides a soothing, restorative, cleansing experience while offering unique antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
This hemp oil and beeswax glycerine soap will be offered in bar form and tins (complete with
tack sponge). Currently in R&D stage...Contact us for more information.